Fungal diseases of the skin and nails are infectious in nature, which is why the infection of a healthy person occurs through contact and household contact with the patient. Fungus on nails and skin is a fairly common disease, although many are not even aware of the infection.

After all, the disease usually manifests itself not in the developmental phase, but in the worsening phase, when the patient has symptoms of the disease. The disease is quite serious, so it requires urgent treatment, in the absence of which a general skin infection can occur. What is the fungus on the nails, what are the symptoms of its manifestation, as well as the characteristics of treatment at home, we learn from the material.
What a dangerous fungus
Fungi of the skin and nails cause great damage to the body, so it is necessary to treat the disease as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences. What are the consequences of fungi?

The main danger of fungal diseases lies in the fact that parasites cause the development of complications of such serious types of diseases as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma and allergies. Fungal infections that have fallen on the skin contribute to the defeat of the epidermis and nail plates (often the big toes). As a result, inflammatory processes on the skin, suppuration, delamination of the nail plates and changes in skin color are observed.
In addition to being a cause of complications, the fungus also contributes to reduced immunity. Accordingly, the penetration of fungal infections into the internal organs and their defeat is observed. The release of toxins by most types of parasites leads to the fact that the patient's body is poisoned not only externally but also internally.
The fungus also affects a person’s well-being. Untimely treatment causes the disease to spread throughout the body as it reaches vital organs. The patient's physical discomfort causes a disgusting attitude towards himself, so the person does not take care of himself, and sometimes even finds a way out in alcohol.
Fungus is a disease in which there is a slow fertilization of the skin, starting mainly from the feet. If you do not fight a dangerous disease, he will gradually kill his "victim". There are many different ways to fight fungal infections, both medically and with the help of folk remedies. Today we will pay attention to the consideration of the main and effective means for the treatment of nail fungus.
Symptoms and signs of occurrence
To start treating toenail fungus, you need to make sure that the infection is present on the body. The fungus is dangerous because it is not visible to the human eye, but it can be controlled with the help of special preparations.

It is quite easy to get infected with the fungus. It is enough to visit a sauna, bathroom, gym, swimming pool or other institutions of this type once, where the probability of infection is 95%. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene and use third-party items, shoes or a towel, then you can be sure that the first signs of the disease will appear soon. On the feet, the symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately after the infection, as, for example, with a cold.
The fungus after contact with a person's skin begins its active reproduction and spread. As a rule, the duration of such parasitic actions lasts from a few weeks to a month. If the patient's immune system is weakened, the fungus affects the skin and nails quickly enough and the first symptoms appear within a week. If the body is able to fight the infection, then the first symptoms of the disease may appear after a month.
The first phase of the disease passes without the slightest signs, with the exception of increased sweating of the feet and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. After that, the fungus on the nails manifests itself as the first signs of a change in the color of the nail plates. At the same time, the feet quickly dry out and begin to peel. Initially, microcracks appear on the heels, and then large scar formations. The person begins to complain of constant symptoms of itching and redness of the feet and toes. Very often the disease is manifested by peeling of the skin between the toes.
Symptoms in the form of a permanent diaper rash on the feet lead to the formation of blisters that itch and corneal the eyes. Initially, the color of the nails changes, and then their shape. The first toes, which are on the edges, ie the big toe or the little toe, are mostly affected. Fungal spores penetrate deep into the nail plates and infect them. Nails initially begin to whiten and then turn yellow and peel. The nails start to crack, they become brittle and fragile. Cavities are created under the nail plates, into which dirt enters and finger infections occur.
If you discover the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor immediately to start the right treatment. In the initial stages, mycosis can be treated with special ointments, creams or traditional medicine, but if the disease has progressed to an acute phase, then surgery cannot be avoided in which the doctor decides to remove the nail plate.
Mycosis can be complicated by eczema or psoriasis, so such consequences should not be avoided, but take appropriate measures immediately. With the development of complications of mycosis, not only a general deterioration in well-being is observed, but also problems with the legs. It is difficult for the patient to move, and when walking for a long time, the person feels severe pain in the feet. How to treat toenail fungus, as well as what medications are available to combat this disease, we will learn further.
How to treat
Fungal mycosis is often treated at home. On toenails, the advanced form of mycosis is subject to treatment with the help of surgical intervention, when the procedure of cutting the nail plate is performed under local anesthesia. This method of treatment is rare, but there are people who are in no hurry to treat mycosis.
There are many types of medications that are intended for both local and general treatment. Recently, such a method as pulse therapy has become popular, which includes the application of therapeutic methods in a short time. Antifungal drugs are used for treatment, which are prescribed in certain doses depending on the stage of mycosis.
How to cure toenail fungus if the disease is in its infancy? To begin with, you should visit a dermatologist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy based on factors such as the type of fungal cause, skin type and degree of pathology.
Treatment of fungus between the fingers involves the use of special suspensions. The suspensions treat not only the affected areas of the skin between the fingers, but also all the gaps. To speed up the effect, the toes are wrapped in a plastic bag.
How to treat nails for mycosis? For that, special varnishes, creams and ointments are mostly used. These products are not applied on the nail plate, but on the skin under it. To do this, you need to remove the affected areas of the nail plate, which allows you to process the finger from the inside. Often, the treatment of toenail fungus at home is carried out with the help of complex therapy in the form of the use of local and general remedies. This allows you to overcome the disease in the shortest possible time and with greater efficiency.
It is important to know! If the nails have affected areas that do not exceed 50%, then you can deal with the disease with the help of special ointments.
If the use of ointment in a period of two weeks does not bring positive changes, then you must change the ointment or inform your doctor. Most likely the fact is that fungal parasites have developed resistance to the drug. In order for a new nail to grow, the funds are used for a longer period of up to 1 year.
Drug treatment is paramount, so if a doctor prescribes this or that drug, his recommendations should not be ignored. Treatment with folk remedies is an additional way to combat fungus, which is also very effective.
Treatment at home
Treatment of nail fungus at home is carried out with medication. Let's look at some of them.
- A drug based on the antifungal substance cyclopyroxolamine, presented in the form of nail polish, which is applied directly to the affected area every other day. Damaged areas should be removed with a blade or nail file. The duration of use of the fungus treatment varnish depends on the stage of the disease.
- Varnish of medical origin, which is applied according to a certain scheme: once every two days for a month. Next month’s treatment involves using the varnish every third day. The treatment lasts until the nail plate is completely restored.
- The medicine is presented in the form of a serum based on rye enzyme filtrate, intended for the suppression of pathogenic parasites. In addition to effectively fighting parasites, the serum prevents their further development in this area. The serum is intended for long-term treatment of the disease, so the minimum course is at least 28 days. The serum is applied twice a day, preparing the nail plate for procedures.
- The product for treatment with urea, ginkgo biloba extract and beeswax is intended to remove growths and affected nails. The solution includes a whole complex of various additives, which ensures not only the removal of the nail plate, but also the growth of new ones. The agent is applied in a thick layer on a previously prepared plate. Avoid penetrating the skin, which may cause mild burns.
- A drug from the allylamine group that many people know about. The ointment is used to treat fungi in various stages of exacerbation. The ointment is used 2 times a day, after cleaning the nail plates.
- Allylamine ointment is used in 2 individual applications. Disinfects areas of skin and nails, resulting in recovery. The duration of treatment does not exceed 2 weeks.
- Spray preparation with a wide range of applications, intended for the treatment of mycoses and onychomycosis.
- Ointment from the azole group with fungicidal properties that alleviates the symptoms of mycosis. The ointment should be applied twice a day, and the course of treatment lasts up to 4 weeks.
- An effective drug that belongs to the class of allylamine, which helps to overcome not only the symptoms of mycosis, but also pathogens. The cream has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The duration of treatment can be up to 6 months.
If drugs for the treatment of toenail fungus do not have the appropriate effect, then the complex prescribes the use of oral drugs, such as:
- A synthetic antifungal drug from the triazole group can cure the symptoms of even old types of fungi. The medicine is used once a week, and the duration of the course does not exceed 30 weeks.
- Triazole derivative. Great for relieving the symptoms of advanced disease. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months, for which there is a special scheme of taking capsules, which is indicated in the instructions.
The fastest way
Treating nail fungus at home in the fastest way involves the use of traditional medicine. Folk methods, although they belong to the secondary types of treatment of fungal infections and onychomycosis, but if you want to overcome the disease not only reliably, but also quickly, then you can not do without folk remedies. Homemade products and ingredients such as garlic, iodine, vinegar, peroxide and lemon are great remedies to fight disease.
Treatment of folk methods of nail fungus on the big toe involves the use of the following components:
- Garlic.To treat mycosis, garlic should be crushed and mixed in equal proportions with alcohol. Before use, the mixture should be diluted with distilled water and then applied to the surface of the plate.
- Iodine.This folk healer has better healing properties than any ointment or cream. For proper use, iodine should be applied one drop 2 times a day on the nail plate. The use of iodine is not only effective, but also safe.
- Vinegar.Homemade vinegar helps to quickly cure the signs of fungus. To do this, you need to bathe with vinegar. 15 minutes of bathing is enough for the symptoms of mycosis to start disappearing in a week.
- Hydrogen peroxide. In the early stages of the disease, you can use peroxide, for which baths are taken. The feet should be immersed in a solution consisting of water and peroxide for 15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
- Lemon.Lemon is useful not only for nutrition, but also for treating fungi. It is necessary to cut a slice of lemon and attach it to the affected nail. Then wrap with bandage and cellophane. Hold for 8-10 hours. The course of treatment lasts up to 12 days. Efficiency has been proven by numerous reviews.
Treatment of interdigital fungi is carried out with the help of aloe juice or celandine. To do this, the affected area, along with the nail, is smeared with the juice of the plant, after which a compress is made. You can prepare a solution of celandine, with which you will twist your legs.
There are many effective ways to treat fungus, but the safest way is to prevent the development of the disease. But even if this happens, action should be taken immediately, without waiting for complications to develop.
Thus, we analyzed the main symptoms and treatment of nail fungal disease. Now let's turn our attention to the feedback from our readers.
- "I discovered nail fungus not so long ago, but at first I didn't realize it was a disease at all. I visited a doctor who prescribed me taking pills and smearing my nails with cream. I started doing all this until my mother-in-law found out about the problem. rewritten a new recipe that included various home-made products: honey, alcohol, herbal infusions, lemon, vinegar, etc. Mostly, she prepared various home remedies, and I applied them only to the affected area. A month later, the symptoms of the disease are completelydisappeared, and the nail had already recovered.
- "I tried many different medicines, but as a result I found salvation in ordinary iodine. I smeared iodine on my nails every day and after 2 months the symptoms of the disease began to fade, like a white sheet pencil. Sometimes there is simply no need to buy expensive products when you can be cured. ordinary iodine.
- "Wearing closed shoes in winter and summer contributed to me getting the fungus. At the beginning, the disease manifested itself between my fingers, but I did not pay due attention to it, but when the nail started to peel, I did something. The doctor prescribed me several types of ointments, but I chose a cream for myself that cured me after 2 months.